Saturday, February 10, 2007

Web activities are devided into two type

Alex Iskold at Read/WriteWeb writes about "The Art, Science and Business of Recommendation Engines".
here are two fundamental activities online -- Search and Browse. When a consumer knows exactly what she is looking for, she searches for it. But when she is not looking for anything specific, she browses.

It is the browsing that holds the golden opportunity for a recommendation system, because the user is not focused on finding a specific thing -- she is open to suggestions.

During browsing, the user's attention (and their money) is up for grabs. By showing the user something compelling, a web site maximizes the likelihood of a transaction. So if a web site can increase the chances of giving users good recommendations, it makes more money.

Amazon is considered a leader in online shopping and particularly recommendations. Over the last decade the company has invested a lot of money and brain power into building a set of smart recommendations that tap into your browsing history, past purchases and purchases of other shoppers -- all to make sure that you buy things.

The Amazon system is phenomenal. It is a genius of collaborative shopping and automation that might not be possible to replicate. This system took a decade for Amazon to build and perfect. It relies on a massive database of items and collective behavior that also "remembers" what you've done years and minutes ago.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Keep on moving

我亲爱的Rachel,要keep on moving, 永不放弃


最近三个星期,基本都在加班,周六周日从1:00开始到晚上9:00回家,每天忙的不亦乐乎; 但却还是看到每天老板摆着脸,我摸不着头脑,不知道哪里做的不好,或者说:辛苦一点无所谓,但是我需要得到认可,这样我的努力才有价值...
做regular跟做intern的一个最大的区别就是: 做Regular的时候不能每天单纯的考虑技术问题了,杂七杂八的事情一堆,而自己的技术兴趣却没有时间去实践,不知道是否别人也有这个问题的?也许该读一下Getting Things Done!
但是心里首先想的是: Rachel不是一个遇到困难就退缩的人,Rachel应该迎难而上,见鬼杀鬼!
Come on, Rachel!
I believe I can do the best!!!!

对于现在得我来说,每天晚上最享受的事情就是看看我的google reader,看看行业的变化,读读牛人的blog了